Shadow-ADOPTED!!'s Web Page

Border Collie / Mixed  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Adult

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Shadow-ADOPTED!! needs a caretaker or foster! Won't you consider helping him get a new start?

About Shadow-ADOPTED!!

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Black & White
  • Current Size: 35 Pounds
  • Current Age: 23 Years 1 Month (best estimate)
  • Owner Experience Needed: Breed
UPDATE: We were very lucky to have had someone very special to L&F see Shadow's story and she has agreed to adopt him. Thank YOU Michelle for giving this dear boy another chance and Bambi, thank YOU for allowing us to be a part of this rescue.

We are listing this as a courtesy in the hopes that we can find that someone special who can work with this poor little guy. If you can help, please contact this wonderful family directly. They have really tried to help him.

I am in desperate need to find a home for a stray (part border collie I believe) dog that has adopted my family for the last 6 months. We call him Shadow, and he was probably dropped off and beaten when he was younger, and has learned to survive on his own. I would guestimate his age at about 4 years. He is very timid and shy around people. When he first started hanging around our dogs, he would run away in panic at the first sight of people. He began going into the garage with my dogs in the evening, and my kids and me would try to let him know that he could trust us by just sitting close to him, and talking to him, and eventually petting him. Months later, and a lot of patience from us, he would let us pet him, and he would very timidly come as close to us as he still felt safe, which was about 2-3 feet from us, where he would cower to the ground, and would act like he wanted us to pet his belly. He now comes into our house, but he won't come in if we are standing close to the door, we have to prop the door open, and walk away before he comes in and out. I think he also feels safe because of our two dogs.

My problem is I have a nasty neighbor who has no compassion and has been calling the SPCA every time the dog steps outside my yard. My dogs have radio collars, and there is no way I could put a radio collar on Shadow. He would probably freak out beyond repair and never come back. I am afraid that the SPCA is going to catch him (my neighbor has traps set up in her woods behind my house) and see that he is not yet a people person, and put him down.

Shadow is a very loving dog, and really just needs a home with a patient owner, or a farm that he can run and continue to be self reliant. If the owner can just feed and water him. I know that isn't the best scenario for a dog, but Shadow is a very good dog, and he doesn't deserve to be put down.

I would keep working with him, but I am afraid I have ran out of time as my neighbor is just waiting for the right moment to take advantage of any situation to have this dog removed. Is there anything that anyone can do? I am very concerned for his safety. I will help anyway possible?.food, shelter, volunteer, etc.

My home number is 302-337-7434
Cell 302-632-1179
Thanks for your time,
Bambi Williams

More about Shadow-ADOPTED!!

Good with Dogs, Good with Kids