Chesapeake Bay Retriever / Labrador Retriever / Mixed (short coat) : : Female (spayed) : : Young : : Large
Learn more about the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Learn more about the Labrador Retriever.
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Sophie - Adoption Pending -- Finally happened, we found just the right home for Sophie - she'll be the 1st of Molli's kids to go home. She'll have a Mom & Dad and best of all she will only be a short distance from Aunt Marleen's. She charmed the socks right off her new parents. Very good girl & I know she will give them great joy to watch her grow into who she was meant to be!
This is Sophie -- she is the cutest little girl! She is the smallest of the Red puppies but she still could go to 80 lbs full grown since she is already over 60 lbs.
She is sweet, submissive, affectionate, happy pup. She is a delightful pup & as you can see Sophie has a very unique color & like all 4 of the Red pups - they all have amber eyes.
We were at a loss as to what the puppies are mixed with. We know Mom, Molli, you can see her on the website is a beautful purebred black lab. First we thought the pups were mixed with Boxer since they have wrinkled foreheads. Then we saw them get bigger & bigger so not sure what to say. There could be a touch of Mastiff since they are so large. Several of them also have a deep wave in their backs like a Chessie.
So, all we can not say for SURE is that they are large Lab mixed puppies -- and we do mean mixed!!
All of our puppies have all their shots, spayed/neutered & microchipped, crate trained & housetrained & on Heartworm medication. Our adoption donation is $300 which we only ask you to make a payment by credit card or check directly to our Vet's office. Adopters are only reimbursing the rescue for their costs of proving excellent medical care.
Be sure to read our adoption requirements to be sure you are qualified to adopt from LnF Dog Rescue Adoption Center.
We are hoping to find familes who want to adopt the pups who actually have time to raise them. We do not adopt puppies to people who feel it's OK to leave a baby or adult dog in a crate all day without break to potty.
If you work part-time or work from home that would be the best way to adopt. We will accept if you use a dogwalker daily and/or take your puppy to doggie-day care. We can recommend petsitting companies that we trust to provide professional care for dogs while their parents are at work.
The boys (3) of them were all neutered when they are 12 weeks. They all pee-pee like a girl -- so you won't have to worry about that pesky marking everything!
As the foster mom of these 9 puppies --------------- I have gotten them thru the hard part. They all sleep thru the night from 9:30 PM to 7:00 AM. Several like to really sleep in! They can now hold-it for 4-5 hours tops! Before applying be sure to read our adoption requirements first to be sure you are qualifed.
More about Sophie/Going Home 4 The Holidays 2013!
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